Monday, February 15, 2010

my comforting thought

i have recently had the opportunity to take a break from my normal life and spend time with my best friend named estelle

and its interesting that you can spend four days doing so many different things, having such good times, not wasting a moment, very much being grateful for life and enjoying it so much, but not doing anything that you really should be doing in terms of having a successful life and stuff

sometimes i really think that everyones expectations of what i should do with my life are a lot higher than my own. and sometimes i think that everyones expectations of what i could do with my life are a lot higher than my own. maybe that second part is a problem, but at the same time i dont think it would take that much for me to be happy.

but in the long run i cant say that i know anything, i'm not working for my own roof over my head and if i ever do develop some kind of aspiration it might be nice if i have a college foundation or something to pursue it.

and also, my life is really good.

i wish everyone could come live where i do for awhile, it is very beautiful and sunny and there are lots of cute things to do.

its easy to get distressed about the direction of your life but i think that many times we're all just kind of going the same way.

i think there's just many times not that much to be worried about really.


  1. haha because you didn't go to school at all?

    just don't worry about what anyone expects out of your life. it seems like everyone expects more or less the same decisions and future out of everyone, and that just doesn't make sense.

    in my opinion if the things that they expect are actually important to the world and important to you, then they will work out.

    and all the other things can just screw themselves.

  2. you are so so lucky
    in so many ways
    just remember

  3. rebecca, you are right
    and you are so lucky too
    especially cause its chinese new years and youre chinese :)

  4. haha i stayed home all day on that day like every other day
    your parents have been with you during your childhood and have communicated with/supported you internally;
    you're norwegian you could visit that beautiful place;
    you live in california;
    you get to spend birthdays & holidays with your family and receive birthday presents from them;
    you have a best friend who grew up with you,and who still is;
    both of you get to visit each other, and visit places together(NY,GPF);
    you have money to use;
    you are amazing at photography;
    you are beautiful :)
    you're good at soccer;
    ...more i can't think of right now

  5. expectations are tough..
    both the ones that are set upon ourselves and the ones we make.
    they can make you feel trapped/caged/stressed/unappreichiated. but it seems the giver of the expectation dosnt realize this. in their minds its "i only want whats best" and even the expectations we have can also cloud and "cage" our minds.
    anyway, thats my $0.02.

    o, I just listened to that Rise Against song... not what I was expecting, but i'll give it an "alright".
